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Carl2291 said:
ethomaz said:

2? Yes.

1? I don't think so... PS4 have way more free games to play and we don't know the digital sales too... Xbone sold 400k via digital... 5.2m overall... how much PS4 sold? What I see here is the exclusives selling better on Xbone and 3rd selling better on PS4.

PS. Yeap... numbers doesn't lie... the lack of it lies.

All I see here is 4.8 Million games sold vs 4.2 Million games sold.

Better software sales. Better attach rate.

Im not even sure why youre trying to argue against this.

Why would you see here ftp games? Why would you see ps+ free games? It's an NPD thread, of course they're not gonna be mentioned. But if you then go ahead and draw conclusions on these numbers, you can't ignore free/f2p games just because it doesn't fit your argument.