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2008ProchargedGT said:
selnor1983 said:
Carl2291 said:
selnor1983 said:
thx1139 said:
With the profit created by the Xbox business this launch quarter I believe this sets up Microsoft to be very aggressive moving forward with the Xbox One. If they see the PS4 lead start growing considerably they can easily counter with a lower price or add value with free games in the box, etc. This is what I suspected all along with the $500 price. It will end up giving them flexibility and it did not matter at launch. It may matter year 2, but the extra revenue from a $500 launch is already in the bank.

Yeah good points.

I think although Sony is selling well, Financially they made a bad call. MArketshare is to important to them. But then they are a poor Business company in comparison.

Debatable. While Microsoft have more room for cuts, Sony have the more favorable pricepoint that they will be able to maintain.

Look at the Wii and how long it stayed at $250 for the best example here. While Microsoft may be forced to cut/add value 12 months down the line, Sony will likely be sitting happy at current pricing into late 2015 (if not later). Assuming they will be making money on every PS4 sold pretty damn soon, this is good for them.

Arguably theyre in a better position HW-wise, until MS decide to do a Kinectless bundle that is.

While they are posting record profits I dont think MS will change anything. And Xbox is still profitable since 2008. Not 1 year with non profit since then. I reckon they are happy.

While what you said may be true, why do you care so much? do you own stock in microsoft? I dont undersand why you are so happy MS is getting rich for charging and extra $100 for what IMO is an inferior console.  

Thats a really simple answer.

I like Xbox. I like WP annd Windows. I enjoy using the products. If they are financially sound then I will continue to be ABLE to enjoy their products. Xbox wont be going anywhere soon whilst posting a profit.

Would I like it cheaper? Yes. At the expense of them making a loss and exiting the market? No.

Would I like a less features for this new gen cconsole to make it cheaper? No. Kinectless,, so less studios make family games for my family? No.

It matters greatly that Microsoft do good business so ass to keep making great consoles for me to buy.