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kowenicki said:

You know nothing about me.... I have large investments in MS, as I do in Apple and many others.

I am also interested in the business side of things, and work in the investment world.  Any questions?

Best you keep you veiled insults to youself thanks.

As for you OT... for a very long time.  MS has always known how to run a vusiness.  The last 10 years of growth over growth and increased revenue and profits shows no signs of stopping. 

It wasn't an insult, it was an observation :P I have Aspergers so I've spent most my life with one obsession or another, so it tends to be very easy for me to notice when others do. In your case you spend several hours a day defender the actions of a company on a video game forum. Both from a business and a moral standpoint.

It doesn't matter if you have several billion invested in them, those kind of actions are the most common signs of someone being overly invested/obsessed in something (attempts to justify said obsession being the second, possibly third depending on the persons age. Seeing as your above thirty, acting condescending towards others opinions of your "obsession" would probably be second). Again, not intended as an insult, you'd get a similar defensive reaction from me if you were to argue with me about various topics related to space (particularly gravity, my primary "overly invested obsession" of the last 6/7 years).