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Chris Hu said:
mutantclown said:
selnor1983 said:
BigT said:
Sweet on the One i get to KEEP my crappy 1990's game.

That doesnt make sense. It comes out Summer 2014. Meaning this time round games will still be £25/$40 brand new. So we will get launch games worth $40 in sumer absolutely free. And 2 per month. Or maybe 1 per month and 1 $15 Live title like Max The Curse Of the Brotherhood.

This time round imo Live Gold destroys PSN+ Rental service. As Xbox players are actually getting up to date free games. FREE.

What's worth $40? The WHOLE XBONE LINEUP was at $40 on launch week and Black Friday, LMAO.


And you Xbox fans only see plus a rental service, but you dismiss THE DISCOUNTS. I got Tales of Xillia, a game from August 2013, Puppeteer a game from September, and Limbo also an awesome game, all for $20. Can you get a similar combo of awesome recent games for $20 on Xbox Live? LMAO, NO. Ni No Kuni, the RPG of the year was at $13.99, Deus Ex Director's Cut for $20, etc etc, Xbox Live can't even compare.

LOL Gold also comes with discounts on games.  Anyway there are constant sales on XBox Live and you don't even have to have Gold to get a good deal just recently bought Midnight Club: LA Complete edition for $3.74 also could have bought Bully Scholarship Edition for that price but passed since I already did everything in the game and have all the achievements for it. 

That's a 2008 game, LOL. So much FAIL in your reply is not even funny, smh.