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Michael-5 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Michael-5 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Michael-5 said:

Yea, but you see FFVI is the fan favorite game in the series, and most people missed it with FFIII being a SNES title. This is more reason for the GBA game to sell better, especially with the 70 million install base.

Sony will fight to keep Vita relavent, they will still sell it until 2017 IMO. Same with WiiU, despite weak Gamecube sales, Nintendo still got space in stores, and had a dedicated audience. I expect the same for WiiU, look how many fans on VGC support Nintendo.

As for the WiiU, like I said Hiroshi Yamauschi died recently, and he had no say with WiiU's design. Iwata made a bad call, maybe the next console will be better, but I don't like how he said he would step down if WiiU didn't sell 5 million during their first fiscal year and then didn't.

Even though FFVI was a fan fav, FFX appealed to the masses which is why it sold over 8 million copies.  Which is why I generally expected it to do better.

If retail decides to start cutting back shelf space significantly, it may force Sony's hand to cut it's losses and release it's next handheld. Gamecube sales were weak but they were stronger than bothe the WiiU and PSV which creates a concern. Nintendo's only saving grace moment is that MK8 & Smash Bros are appealing to consumers on a global aspect, which could drive sales in all regions up while Sony has not announced anything as significant yet for Vita.

I whole heartedly agree with you. Iwata screwed up. I personally hope both companeis can pullthemselves out of this whole as I did own a psp and had a nice library of games for it. We'll just have to see where each company stands at this point next year.

Well it's not just that, FF didn't get big until the 90's. FFX sold 8 million, but thats exactly why FF4-6 would sell better. People played FFX, but not the older games, and on GBA - SNES games are awesome. Either way, with FFX selling fairly well, I'm sure Square Enix will make an FFXII for Vita, especially since their working hard to get all the DQ & FF remakes on tablets.

As for WiiU, I'm hoping the same with Mario Kart, I think DKC, 3D World, MK8, and Smash will increase sales for 2014, but the question is how much. 10% like last week is nothing.

I agree with you about Sony & Nintendo pulling themselves up, PSP was an amazing console, and so was Gamecube (which is what WiiU is similar to)

That's where I would disagree. Just because less people played the two previous iterations doesn't mean that would necessarily generate larger sales or more interest for that matter. Take FFVII for example. Best selling FF in the franchise and I would be willing to bet the bank that if an HD remake was finally made, sales and it was ported onto PSV, sales expectations would be higher than FF4-6.

YoY Nintendo needs at minimum 100% growth to maintain some sort of relevancy. Anything under 5 million for this year would be an utter failure. However, it is possible that at this point they could get their shit together and actually market games properly. 2-3 million consoles sold within a quarter is possible if they manage to release MK8 & Smash Bros back to back.

It really depends on hype, Dragon Quest 4-6 were less popular then DQ7 on console, yet on handheld they outsold DQ7 by a fair margin (Sold 33% better). DQ7 could break even if it were localized on the 3DS, but still the popular game from the PS1 "Golden Age" didn't actually fair any better.

It's all about hype, FFIII sold well because we never saw that game outside of Japan, and the DS wasn't too old yet. Chrono Trigger also sold well because the SNES cartridge and even PS1 disk are fairly expensive. FFVII would do well, but not exceptionally well because you can play it on Vita already by buying it over PSN.

As for WiiU, it really depends on how you look at it. If the WiiU sells for as long as the Wii did, then it's going to have a longer shelf life. WiiU is selling 20% as well as the Wii did over the same time period, so if this trend continues it could end with 25 million, which isn't terrible. However it's also selling less comparitively then the short lived (only 6 years of sales) Gamecube. Plus this could all flip if Nintendo releases another Wii Sports, and suddenly people flock to the system.

We have to keep in mind that DQ VII for 3DS has only been out for approximately 1 year vs the 10 – 4 years for the other three iterations and it is not very far behind. Given another several years on the market, I can see it surpassing all three of the previous iterations in Japan alone.

I whole heartedly believe your wrong in regards to the FFVII. Regardless of the original being available for PSN, you cannot tell me that on a WW scale that it would not trounce every previous remake that has been released. Even with it’s considerably small user base, if a remake with updated visuals,etc  of FFVII were to solely release on the Vita, I would be willing to bet my bank account that it would easily outsell all previous remakes by a minimum of a 4:1 margin. You have to consider that people like me (which are many) who are owners of Sony consoles who have no plans on purchasing a PSV, would be at the store within hours upon a release like that. We’ve been asking for a remake for years,lol.

25 million is decent, as long as they manage to be profitable followed by strong software sales. At this point it’s a toss up as to whether or not they manage to outsell the gamecube. Current sales would suggest the possibility of it falling short, however, certain games did not have the same appeal in the GC days as they do now. Not to mention system sellers like LoZ and Mario did not have massively appealing iterations for GC  like SM3DW and (hopefully) the upcoming Zelda U will.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"