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Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Scisca said:

My mind is operating perfectly, but your is clearly failing. Do you even understand what I'm talking about? It's the second time you're trying to call me on something you've pulled out of your ass. I've never mentioned the West as important in the quest for 11 mil Vitas sold, in fact I've stated the opposite. I've never mentioned the support for the West in 2014 as remotely important for that. I've never mentioned indies. These are just your demons and your inability to properly read a post. These semantics you're so desperately clinging to are totally meaningless and it only makes you look that much more pathetic.

On the other hand, again, I was talking about Japan. Japan gets great support and it's not your bloody indies (I wonder if you'll manage to let go of them in this thread), but proper games and I'm gonna repeat it - Japan is enough for the Vita to pass GG. I do apply logic, just like everyone else in this thread does except for you. You wanna know the major difference between Vita and Wii U? Vita has already found its market. Its position in Japan is pretty much set and will only improve. 3DS is selling better, but there are already genres that Vita managed to secure for itself in Japan. Vita is not competing with 3DS, it's going at its own pace - slow but methodical. It is safe there and can only expand. On top of that Sony is still investing in it, securing the translations, just this week we've learned about the port of Unity Engine. That doesn't look like they are planning to kill the console anytime soon. On the other hand, Wii U has nothing to cling to. No region, no target group of customers, no nothing. That is why your wet dream of Sony phasing Vita out is ridiculous. More and more Japanese 3rd parties are making the jump from PSP to Vita, it would just make no sense to kill it. I actually think it more possible that Vita sells more than PS4 LT in Japan, than that Sony decides to kill it within a year. Japan is a totally different market than the West and Vita suits them better - both the gamers and the developers.

Just repeat this 10 times: "Vita will earn Sony money in Japan". Maybe you'll finally understand why everyone laughs at your "predictions".

I've now had to explain this to you several times regarding the Indie comment. I went out of my way to even bold it for you in the hopes that you would have a an ounce of understanding in what I was saying to you. I was wrong. I understand you're from Poland but if you do not understand the English language, or are unable to apply common sense when reading a sentence, then maybe you should refrain from posting. Since I'm a somewhat nice person I will copy the bolded words from my previous post and provide you a link for the definition of the word IF ( I said "IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING" not "You Are" in regards to indies being considered as strong 3rd party support.

Once again you've made assumptions or else completely missed the point I was making as you've seen to do so throught your entire rant. I never stated that you commented as the West being important. I advised that their resources are gong to be focused on the battle with Xbone (in N.A for the most part). How the hell did you misconstrue this one?

Now you've decided to  jump into the lunacy boat of Vita outselling gamecube. Vita barely has enough compelling software to keep it afloat, let alone sell another 15 million systems. You claim I'm being ridiculous by stating there is a possibility of Vita not outselling gamegear, to which I actually provide an intelligent argument as to why  it might not and then you claim that Vita will outsell the Gamecube? Are you really being serious or is this just a troll account? It would seem the latter at this point as you've drifted off into the land of nonesense. Untiy engine will not be anything significant for the Vita. Sure we will see alot more indie developed titles but at the end of the day it will have the same impact as it did for the Wii U. Sweet F all!The moment you made all these claims about the Vita and then stated the Wii U has nothing to cling to, solidified the obvious fact that you are either suffering from some sort of delusions or else you are even more of an extreme Sony (insert word that is bannable) then some of the fanatics on this site. Your reasoning makes absolutely no sense whatsoever in your wishful thinking of positive outcomes for the Vita. 

2014 3rd part games in Japan will not move significant hardware, Unity will do absolutely shit all for Vita, the Vita is a dying console and will will never in it's lifetime pass gamecube sales. Once you've excepted this, you'll be able to move on.

I can't believe one can be so... (insert a bannable word - what a funny game!), please tell me you're just joking with me. Don't humiliate yourself playing the language barrier card, as you seem to be the one having trouble understanding plain English (maybe it's too cold for you in Canada to function properly? Maybe you shouldn't be posting in such condition? Oh, and stop clubbing baby seals while you're at it!). I understand you perfectly and I'm gonna repeat what I've said again. Stop repeating this "if/no if" indie argument. This is your argument, your demon, so stop implying it on me. I haven't referred to this even once, I haven't responded to it, I haven't done a single thing with it, as I don't care about it. It doesn't matter at all to the point that I'm making. This is totally irrelevant to me or the argument I'm making and it really beats me why you cling to it so badly, as it proves nothing in your favour and couldn't even possibly do so. I really have no idea why you keep on repeating this. It's just crazy. I really start to doubt you're ever gonna drop this nonsense. Can't you see that you're stuck in this mud, while I'm strolling along in a completely different direction? There is no point of attachment here.

As far as I can see it was me who said that they are focusing on PS4 vs. XO in the West right now, not you. You really should check that, cause your memory seems to play tricks on you. I have no idea how you've come to believe that you were the one who said it, maybe you should get yourself checked? As I'm a nice guy, I'm gonna provide you with the proper quote:

"Vita support is cut to ensure the success of PS4 in the West. PS4 has to leave the XO in the dust now, while Vita in all honesty can wait a bit more, as it gets good support either way. Nothing that's a mega-bomb on the market, but enough to keep owners happy. I just hope they return to it, as this awesome piece of hardware deserves more love."

No need to thank me!

I'm jumping to lunacy saying Vita will outsell Gamecube? Wow. Just wow. This shows me you are so nervoused or even panicked when reading and replying to my posts, that you don't even understand what I write (hence the "plain English" comment in the beginning). I guess you actually see just how much you humiliate yourself in this conversation, but you keep on fighting anyway. Funny on one hand, but quite sad on the other. Now tell me, oh great Canadian, where have I ever referred to the GCN? Oh... I guess that settles your problem about who's the troll around here and who has managed to "drift into the land of nonsense". Hope you're having fun over there, Shrek!

It doesn't matter if you believe in Unity Engine or not. What matters is that it's proof that they are still investing money in Vita. They wouldn't be doing it, if they were planning to kill it within a year as you "predict" (my God, does this word sound funny here). If you think I'm delusional saying that Vita is the second best selling console in Japan and that it has managed to carve its niche there, that it has managed to secure a few genres and take them away from the 3DS, while the Wii U hasn't got such a firm footing in any market or genre... Then I guess we live in a different reality. Mind you - I'm not saying Wii U's situation won't change, I'm just stating the fact about the current state of both consoles. And as to my reasoning making "absolutely no sense" and your being "intelligent", I'm just gonna remind you that nobody is agreeing with you, while I've managed to get this (thank you Joeorc!):


100% exactly"

Maybe there actually is a reason for it?

You should really think about it, cool down, close your eyes and slowly count to ten before you reply next time. It happens to the best of us to be totally wrong and by doing this you're gonna spare yourself more laughter.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.