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Spazzy_D said:
JoeTheBro said:
Looks real enough. Has anyone searched the released images to see if she's covering up a smaller character?

The people at Smashboards and over at Neogaf have been trying there hardest to find out if this is a fake, and what we do know is that picture of Mario has NEVER appeared in any of the released Smash media (they even went through the direct frame by frame.)  Also, that background is also 100% unique (never seen at that exact angle.)

I'm some what excited, as these things are usually debunked quickly.  Also, KI: Uprising sold over a million copies, and the previous games sold well even if old, so let's not pretend that this character is an unknown.

Also, let's not forget Kid Icarus: Uprising is Sakurai's last project before Smash.

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