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Why Nintendo isn't doomed - Because they live in their own universe with so much innovative and new ideas no matter what the others say. Nintendo is just fun. They have so many franchises and games with a very long history and this will not end because of some failures. Because there are a lot of people out there who want to play Nintendo games on Nintendo consoles again and again even some of them won't say that. If you are in this universe you'll never want to get out of it.

Why Nintendo is doomed - Because they live in their own universe and can't see they have to change when the world changes. They do what they think is the best and which fits in their traditions and history. Because they use some franchises like Mario too often while franchises like Star Fox and F-Zero are nearly extinct. Because they give you so many reasons to buy their consoles but don't let you because of a lot reasons why you shouldn't buy these consoles.

I don't hate Microsoft, I don't hate PC,
I don't prefer Sony, I don't prefer Nintendo.
...Ok, I love Nintendo but this is something about tolerance, ok?

I'm a gamer with one of the greatest hobbies and I want to share this greatness with everyone.