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Normchacho said:
Landguy said:
Normchacho said:
Landguy said:
GribbleGrunger said:
Acevil said:



So, to compare your thought.

So, the drug dealer on the corner is not the problem, just the people who manufacture the drugs?

Every person invovled in something illegal(even though I think this is not illegal) are themselves doing something illegal.  What you want to do is pick and choose who is right and wrong.  If you believe that M$ is wrong in what they are doing, then all parties involved are wrong, even the people who watch the videos(after knowing why or how they were made). 

Your example doesn't fit. Mostly because a drug dealer knows that he is doing is illegal. What the Youtubers did was still morally wrong though. 

I will also say that it doesn't make sense in this case to blame the viewers because they weren't aware of the circumstances until after the "promotion" ended.

So now you know that every person who did this is thinking?  If you are paid to do something, you know that what you are doing will have some type of consequence.  Most People posting on here having quickly decided that this is wrong somehow.  So, why couldn't the youtubers come to the same conclusion if it is so obvious. 

What this really boils down to is that M$ is giving a pittance of $$$ to people for favorably mentioning their product.  This happens thousands of times every hour of the day all over the world.  Yet, because the gamers don't really want to know how the world works around them and want to "just play games".  When they find out that the company or product that they were never going to buy anyway is advertising in a different way than they were aware of, they freak out.  This whole thing is no big deal and people need to get over it.

How did what I say give the impression I know what they were thinking in any way?

What it boils down to is that MS was paying people to make endorsment videos for there product under the guise of independent user impressions. Yet because you like the products that this certain company makes it is somehow ok even though it is obviously imoral and illegal.

So, it is immoral to advertise a product on the internet?  Haven't you read M$'s response to this yet?  They clearly stated that your interpretation is not what they did.  It souds like you should be going after Machinima...

It is near the end of the end....