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I am very puzzled about why they are thinking about mobile while their 3DS (handheld) systems are still the top console gaming machine out there with good margins of profitability while it is the home console (WiiU) that sinks them deep.

The handheld business is good enough, at least for now, so leave it alone. If they start entering the "smartphone or tablet" space, they will need to decrease their game price drastically. This, combined with the high rate of piracy on Android will lead to a huge perceptive devaluation of their games value.

What they should do with mobile, is to revive the old first party titles (Gameboy, NES, SNES, N64 etc) and release them for the mobile for a relatively small premium price like $4.99 or $9.99. Meanwhile they should continue their primary mobile market with 3DS and DS, where they are the king of the hill.

On the other hand, on the home gaming system, they are no longer relevant, so it's much more future-proof to be a software publisher. They have been going downhill ever since the entry of Sony first, and even more with Microsoft, and they have little chance to compete against them. Their best bet would be

- Either cooperate with Sony, on the next playstation and release all new Nintendo games exclusively for the new PS platform. It's also a good strategy to release former Nintendo titles with revamped graphics etc on the platform. I am sure Sony can agree upon some privileged conditions with Nintendo.

- Or Just go multi-platform, releasing their franchises on all feasible platforms, the Sega way.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates