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joeorc said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said: "Untiy engine will not be anything significant for the Vita. Sure we will see alot more indie developed titles but at the end of the day it will have the same impact as it did for the Wii U."

really? you just sat there and said that? 1st of all the WiiU unity 3D development is not like it is in development costs and team size are not going to be the same, and the WiiU does not share the same GPU as the iPad, while the PSVita does! there is a very big problem in just looking at them as the same outcome because the WiiU had Unity 3D also.

Unity Pro for consoles

Platform-holder-certified companies already use Unity Pro to develop content for Xbox 360, and PS3 and deployment to Wii U will be available very soon. Unity has also announced upcoming support for PS4, PS Vita and Xbox One.

now look at team sizes required for both consoles, the WiiU would require most times a larger team size!

the fact is the PSVita can run cross buy games PS3/PSVita the same game on PSN buy once it works on both platforms, there already games doing that on psn. with unity it will only increase more. the fact that the PSVita shares more in common with smartphones an tablets means porting from iOS and Android means unlike nintendo's WiiU, The PSVita will benefit by more 3rd party developer's on iOS and Android. again unlike Nintendo Sony's PSVita share's common Hardware chipset as the High end Best selling SmartPhones and Tablets, that makes the porting Option that much more of and incentive, that the WiiU just does not have that Incentive vs the PSVita when it comes to Unity 3D game engine. The PSVita has the advantage over the WiiU for cost's/investment and reaping a much higher return on that investment because it would be far cheaper. iOS and Android 3rd party developer's will have a much cheaper investment to port to the PSVita vs what it  would take for the WiiU.

When I state that the "Untiy engine will not be anything significant for the Vita" I was simply referring to the impact in sales for the system itself. I'm sure it will create a better ecosystem of indie content, however, having a good lineup of iOS and Adroid games is not going to be a deciding factor when a consumer goes to make a purchase. I should have my comment a little more clear as it seems you misunderstood the point I was attempting to make.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"