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binary solo said:
kowenicki said:
Happy to say my 50% down YOY for PS3 and 360 at least this year will also be true. They will die quicker than previous gens.

Xbox only had one previous generation and it almost had an insta death. PS3 on the other hand will indeed die quicker than both of its predecessors.

I don't see PS3 having further downward adjustments. At 80 million shipped as of 2 Nov it would hav had to ship bugger all for 80.9 million to be over tracked.

Xb360 OTOH I can't recall what shipments are, but it hit 80 million before PS3, so it too would have had to ship bugger all units during the holidays for it to be on track, so I suspect you're right 360 should move up. I guess celebrations of PS3>360 were rather premature. I'm gonna say the technical victory has to go to 360 for having sold more than PS3 by the time the next gen had started, albeit with a 5 million + head start.

I got banned for saying that in 09 ...

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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