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An interesting  subject to say the least. Youtube commentators, no matter how big or small, should be saying what they feel regardless of cash incentive, it's that the moral thing to do right?

Mr Puggsly said:

This whole thing seems pointless considering people already do that for free. 

An this surely highlights the stupidity of the situation. There a loads of videos out there of people enjoying their XbOnes. Saying how good it is and explaining their enjoyment. People who like certain youtubers who are Xbox fans are more likely Xbox fans themselves so are more likely to already want/own an Xbox One. For the video maker is more money for doing exact what they were to begin with.

Videos on youtube are a niche most the time, those that randomly talk get more viewers because they appeal to everyone but those that talk over games get gamers watching, gamers have probably already decided what console they are getting.

Hmm, pie.