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shikamaru317 said:
mysteryman said:
Quick question for the defenders:

Reviewer A has not been paid or compensated in any way for their review.
Reviewer B has been paid for their review

Which review do you trust more?

Reviewer A obviously, but these aren't reviews, they're playthroughs of games. The only intended purpose is to increase the public's awareness of Microsoft's games. The money is just an extra incentive for those who would have enjoyed playing Microsoft's games anyway, Microsoft can't help the fact that some Youtubers will abuse it and pretend to like a game just for the money. It's up to the viewer to decide if the youtuber is being trustworthy, just like it's up to the consumer to decide if a celebrity endorser is being honest about the product they're endorsing.

1. Who are you to say what they were intending? Who are you to say what kind of videos were being posted? It doesn't matter what the intention was. They launched a "promotion" that payed people money to show there products in a positive light while at the same time banning them from making it known that they were being paid to do so. That is both imoral and illegal. Imorall because it strips the integrity away from these online video's as a way for consumers to make informed decisions about the product and illegal because it breaks at least one part of the endorsment regulations.

That's much more difficult when you don't know what you're listening to is an endorsment. A celebrity is required to disclose that they are being paid for there endorsment unless they are in a traditional ad. 

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.