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GribbleGrunger said:
mysteryman said:
Quick question for the defenders:

Reviewer A has not been paid or compensated in any way for their review.
Reviewer B has been paid for their review

Which review do you trust more?

They've been picking B since the launch of the X1 so I doubt it will change.

I don't trust either.  I rather try it out myself.  I have played games that were panned and loved it and on the other hand played games that were critically acclaimed and couldn't get into it.  To each their own but an example is how Ryse got such poor reviews and almost didn't get the game but then tried it myself and really enjoyed it.  Sometimes reviews can be helpful but most of the time they are subjective based on a person's opinion and tastes.  Plus many of the video gaming sites are bias based on their preference of games and gaming systems and the need to gain advertising revenue by flame baiting that you have to take a lot of what you read with a large dose of salt.