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BasilZero said:
DanneSandin said:

Really? So none of them are platformers, or have similarities to other Nintendo games?

Do you think NSMBWii or Mario Kart Wii could have pulled off 30m in sales on PS3 and X360? And even if they did, to offset the royalties and other increased costs, they would have sold a lot more copies than 30m to be as profitable.

Think about it. You want to say Knack, Sonic and Mario are similar....think about it. :P - just because they are the same genre doesnt mean they'll have the same quality or prestige.

I think those two games would of sold more if they were released on PS3 + Xbox360 (and Wii) - not because of which one would have more graphics but because there's also a group who may buy it if the game appears on their system of preference (assuming those people dont buy Nintendo systems) - how many of them are there? Who knows.

Or if you want, lets say Nintendo's own system doesnt exist but their IPs appear on other game systems, Mario Kart and NSMBWii would sell as much (or more) because I am sure if Nintendo's IPs still exist on other platforms, Nintendo fans would simply buy one of those systems to buy said games along with that there will be that certain group of people who wouldnt buy a Nintendo system but would absolutely buy a Nintendo game if per say a game comes to their system of preference.

People love to say they dont like something only if it doesnt apply to their preferences, now if it does apply to their preferences they would join the "Wagon" easily.

In terms of profit from royalties, etc - I wouldnt know, I'm not in the gaming industry but I am sure that MK Wii and NSMBWii would do stellar numbers similar to GTAV or more than GTAV imo.

Edit: Dont take my post as saying that Nintendo SHOULD become third party. I'm just saying what would happen imo if they do.

How could Mario Kart Wii and NSMBWii sell as well on PS3/X360 when Nintendo tapped in to a whole new market to sell those games to?! Neither the X360 nor PS3 would (probably) have lured the massive casual market into gaimg like the Wii did, hence why MKWii/NSMBWii wouldn't sell nearly as well as they did on the Wii.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.