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RolStoppable said:

ANNOUNCEMENT - Prediction League Postmortem

It's not over yet, but the season is as good as done. I can't wait until after the Super Bowl with this, so I'll do it now. In this post I will reflect on the NFL season, the prediction league, ramble a lot and insult random people.

First off, I'd like to thank everyone for participating in the prediction league. Except for the quitters, the people who forgot that they were actually in the playoffs and all the sore losers. You are cool guys, Zelhawks37 and NobleTeam360.

Next up, I am willing to accept noname2200 back in the Packers family after the huge fallout during mid-season. That was a lot of dramarama, but in the end the Packers won their division against great... um, no... against good... no, that's not it either... against teams that were there... at least more or less... yes, that sounds about right.

What else did happen? burninmylight was starring in the role of the rebel who constantly had an issue with what I did. But eventually he came around to realize that my rules served a purpose and weren't just there to make life harder for everyone.

Will there be another prediction league next year? I won't guarantee it, because I am looking at VGC on a year-by-year basis. Seven months is a long off-season, so I might decide to leave this site. The bragging of Sony fans was already hard to bear when they were in third place, so I doubt that they can handle winning. But if I stay, the NFL thread will go up in August.

This year saw some rule adjustments and I think they worked well for the most part. Giving everyone with a top 5 worthy record for the week at least one prediction point benefitted the more consistent players, and the perfect Monday night predictions occured about as often as I expected it over the course of the season. However, more PP being handed out tips off the balance for the homefield advantage in the playoffs (even though all players have the same chance to earn PP all season long), so assigning less weight to prediction points might not be a bad idea. Currently two PP are worth as much as one correct pick, but that could easily change to a 3:1 ratio next year. I am not thinking about any additional sources for PP, because there are already enough numbers to juggle as it is.

The rate of errors in the spreadsheet was reduced from last year as I only had zuvuyeay as a second #2 seed in the divisional round for a week. Of course there might be errors that nobody noticed, but I'd like to assume that everything is correct.

I was very disappointed in the reaction to the massbannings this season. There was hardly any response, so I take it that people just assumed that those bans would never hold up. Why do you guys have such a high opinion of me when it comes to fairplay?

And that's about it from my side. It's two weeks until the Super Bowl, so that's plenty of time for you to speak your mind in regards to the prediction league while people are still paying attention. Suggestions, complaints etc.

Thank you Rol, u did a great job as NFL Prediction League Comissioner.