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J_Allard said:

Well I'd suggest watching a handful of the many videos. When you have a pilot v pilot situation, it takes way more bullets and time to die than in any CoD or recent BF game. And idk what games you're using for comparison with the recoil. A twitch shooter is never going to have the recoil of ARMA or AA or Red Orchestra, etc. There are also many guns in the alpha and like any other game, some offer lower recoil in exchange for less stopping power or a slower fire rate.

Seems like you just don't like twitch shooters.

It's not just the fact that it's a twitch shooter. It's that, plus other factors, that lead to the time-to-kill being very low (although higher than CoD), which means there are no gun battles. 90% of the time kills come simply because you aimed at someone first, which almost always leads to immediate death. 

I actually enjoy twitch shooters. For example, I enjoyed Timesplitters, Unreal Tournament, Halo, etc. (not sure if Halo counts). Even though they were twitch shooters, I had fun because you didn't die so quickly (you actually have a good chance of killing a weaker player who shot at you first), and you don't have to aim down the sites to aim accurately. I have found memories battles in those games that lasted over a few seconds, where you were constantly adjusting your aim to match your opponents maneuvers, while dodging bulltets yourself. Those moments are pretty much nonexistent today, except in Halo.

As for games with good recoil, I would say I loved the recoil of Killzone 2. Hell, I thought recoil in Uncharted 2 was sufficient. So yeah, more recoil could have been done here. It doesn't have to be to the level of ARMA. As it stands now, it's clear to me why many aren't excited for a game where the majority of the gameplay/pace is similar to CoD, with an negligible increase in recoil and the time required to kill.