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I'll paraphrase what my friend had to say about Titanfall over the weekend.

"I'm really turned off by only 6v6 gameplay. If it was just for a couple maps and/or modes and larger player counts existed I would be fine. They couldn't make bigger maps with larger player counts? They had to create tightly confined maps where it looks like Titans will have very limited areas to fight in?"

"From what I've seen so far the weapon variety is extremely limited. Five primary weapons? That would be okay if they had tons of customization to them but it looks like you can only fit two attachments. Then you have a couple handguns, a couple grenade types, and a couple launchers. Sure that's just for the pilots but I get the sense that a significant amount of time will be spent on foot and it doesn't seem like the Titans have a big variety either."

"So far it looks like the same old objective types we've had in FPS games forever now. Kits (perks) and special abilities? Those have been done before in plenty of FPS games. No reason to act excited about them now. Are we really going to praise something that was added to the genre years ago? People are acting like mechs and jet packs are a new thing as well. It's pretty sad how people can brush those things off as lame or not exciting when they debut and are done several times over the years but then suddenly go apeshit when a game has them and the only reason they're excited is because they simply want to buy into the hype."

"So this is the cloud power Microsoft has been trying to shove up our asses and down our throats? Cannon fodder AI? They're not doing anything complex. They are just moving around the map and then stopping so they can be shot. I call bullshit. Respawn can try to jerk Microsoft off for the rest of us but that doesn't mean I want to watch it happen too. Having our Titans go into Auto-Mode is really no different than having a dog follow you around and attack nearby enemies in Call of Duty or placing auto-turrets down in other FPS games. Microsoft's cloud power wasn't needed then and I doubt it's needed now."

"No campaign is ridiculous. If this was an incredibly robust multiplayer experience that would make it acceptable. The fact that it's a multiplayer-only 6v6 matched based game with little variety makes it unacceptable. I'm really disappointed overall."

"Every time I watch a video and try to get excited, because maybe I just missed something, I'm let down. I get the feeling that it'll be the kind of game that I pick up, play a few rounds of, and then get bored of and move on. There has yet to be a point in these unscripted videos where I thought "that was cool!". The only thing exciting is when the Titan comes screaming down to the surface. Then it's just back to the boredom. I think I'll stick with Battlefield 4 for the most part."

Those were his thoughts. He got much more in depth than that but I thought I'd spare you guys of an even bigger post. Like I said, this is coming from an Xbox fan who was excited about the game until he learned more about it and saw the unscripted alpha videos. He did say that it's alpha and that it may improve but he doubts it will be by any amount that will change his mind with less than two months to go from release. Now he's looking more forward to Destiny and The Division.