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One of the main stumbling blocks with the wii u is that many see it as an underpowered console. To pretend this is not the case is a major misconception by some Nintendo fans who, because they probably don't consider graphics to be a major issue, have it in their heads that the majority of people think the same.

Hence they blame the Gamepad, lack of marketing, lack of games, etc.

The most consistent reason constantly laid out why not to buy a wii u is the low power, not the lack of games. The games came and the wii u still isn't selling. The games will keep coming and it will be lucky to get to 10m this year.

For most of last year when you googled "Wii U" you got "wii u not as powerful as x360" or "wii u not next generation" for the first couple pages. Most harmful was probably "Third-Parties abandons wii u because it is weaker than x360". It doesn't matter if it is true or not. There shouldn't even be a debate.

Only a device as revolutionary as the wii remote can make the masses ignore graphics. What you are suggesting isn't that.

Pretending graphics isn't important will prove that they have learned nothing.

I believe that if MK8 and SSB are relative flops there will be few options left for Nintendo because nothing else is going to sell the wii u at that expected rate.