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I believe in global warming caused by the human race! I just read an article in the National Geographic! It was really shocking:

- In 2100... Arctica will be about 1/5 of the size it is now.

- The Alpes in Europe will be have NO snow in summer 2025.

- Highest ski-resort in the world is gone: It was at the hight of 5125m.

- In Greenland: Gleysiers are melting at a speed of 60m per day... That's just sick.

- When all ice on greenland melts Sealevels rise with 1-2 meters.

- Polarbears are likely to be extinct befor 2100. Cause of melting icecaps. (They don't live on southpool and their northern habitat is soon gone).



But most shocking is this theory:

When global warming goes on like this The northern icecap will be gonne before 2150 (And be 1/5 of the size it is now before 2100). When that happens the Gulfstream is interupted (This can happen as soon as 2075 aprox) The gulfstream makes sure warm waters go to the north just beside Europe. Which makes it possible to live in Europe with a nice climate. When this stream is interupted. An Ice-age occures. And then we're really screwed. But there's one good thing about it: Earth has somekind of switch when it warms up Too much... It gets SUPPER cold... And then after aprox 10.000 years restores to a balanced temperature.

