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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

I would much prefer if Nintendo had a home console and a handheld instead of just a handheld cause I always find that when playing on a handheld, the layout has to be adjusted in a way to have portability a higher priority than ergonomics when it comes to the feel of the controller vs home consoles have a higher priority for ergonomics than portability...

So in other words, I feel that controllers for wiiU/ps4/x1 > 3ds/vita (well no shit right?) but if what Nintendo's next console is a full blown tablet, they will have to sacrifice in one or the other or else it won't be practical.. and for games like Smash Bros, Metroid, Zelda, Beyonatta and others where precision is key, the ergonomics is very important... Hopefully you guys are trying to understand what I am trying to say lol

As for graphics, mehh, I think technology is growning at such a rapid rate that it should be cheap enough anyway to update the graphics at a low cost... The only reason the wiiU costs so much is cause of the gamepad, if it didn't have the gamepad, it might cost less than $250

Actually a few teardowns (the one I remember was done by CNN) revealed that the Wii U console itself (without gamepad) costs around $180 in terms of components so I think that overall (with manufacturing, shipping, boxing, R&D per unit) it should cost around $220. If they redesign the system and figure out a way to reduce the production cost of the Gamepad (there are alot of components in there that have not even been used or are not practical enough for use, like the built in sensor bar) I think they can sell it for a slight profit at a lower cost.