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okr said:
Reality: PS owners are not really interested in the diversity of their preferred systems (11 of top 15 bestselling PS3 are FPS or TPS/shooters disguised as action adventures, 3 of 5 bestselling PS4 games are currently FPS).

Very flawed logic. Just because the best selling games are shooters, it doesn't mean that ps owners are only interested in shooters. Why ignore the very good/respectable sales of Heavy Rain, Beyond, Journey, LBP, Final Fantasy 13, Infamous etc? In which other console can gamers play such a unique game as Heavy Rain? Even more impressive is the number of niche games released on ps3. Tons of games sell less than 300k, but are constantly released on ps3 instead of wii/wiiu or 360. That's where the ps consoles thrive in terms of diversity.