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Corvo said:

Oh yeah, right, now you got me. Just to add more, well looks like nintendo is in problem right, they should've go 3rd party in this gen by this logic... Well nintendo 3ds really disagree. And more, as Iwata says, please understand. There will not be a SINGLE generation that Nintendo's consoles ( handheld + home) will be bigger than the other consoles combined. It is just MATH  and LOGIC. You can try this for the rest of your life. The combination of all the consoles ( expect nintendo) will surpass the lifetime sales of the combined nintendo consoles. Now you got why this is just non sense to use as an argumment to call '' Nintendo is better 3rd party?'' This is the nature of market, it has to be this way. Nintendo should've go 3rd party since consoles were invented then....

What are you even arguing? Potential sales comes down to potential customers, that's why Nintendo started out third party, prior to the release of the nes.


The wiiu is doing terribly and may not recover and handhelds as a whole have been on undesputable decline since 2005 as mobile and tablet devices have increased in popularity, the entire industry is changing and both Sony and Microsoft have the knowledge and experience to grow with it (both have computer divisions, cloud networks and mobile and tablet divisions) Nintendo is the dinosaur of the bunch and has only its console, portable and arcade divisions, both the console and arcade divisions are in dire straits with their handheld division barely keeping its head above water (see latest financials).


Nintendo have three options for the future, mobile market or third party and last but not least, mega hit console, the last option being one they cannot afford to take for at least 3 years or risk losing consumer confidence, as well as investor and shareholder confidence, and even then, there is no guarantee that the new console would be a hit.

Nintendo are vastly out if touch with their customers, and seem to be fumbling on every single decision.

But hey, what would I know, I've only been a developer since the Saturn days and married to a fellow developed whome currently works at Nintendo, as OP apparently knows well.