eyeofcore said:
1st article is seriously outdated and invalid as it was written in April of 2012, way before Wii U's launch and one to two months before specifications were finalized and before Wii U was even mass produced also there were no final development kits nor the software/firmware/OS/API was finalized. This "anonymous" developer was likely a troll or a Sony/Microsoft fan who decided to spread misinformation, even if that "anonymous developer" was credible and he was correct as I wrote before: ...way before Wii U's launch and one to two months before specifications were finalized and before Wii U was even mass produced also there were no final development kits nor the software/firmware/OS/API was finalized. 2nd article is also seriously outdated and invalid as it was writen in March of 2014 thus two to three before finalization of Wii U's design and its mass production so it is basically same as above also I need to point out that team that ported Darksiders 2 were on very limited budget and it is known that 4 to 6 people worked on the port. Again: ...way before Wii U's launch and one to two months before specifications were finalized and before Wii U was even mass produced also there were no final development kits nor the software/firmware/OS/API was finalized. 3rd article is basically your how you interpret it, developer said that Wii U is not a leap as Xbox One nor PlayStation 4 basically. You can compare Xbox 360 and Wii U and see that the leap is not as big as Xbox 360 to Xbox One yet we can't compare Wii U to Xbox 360 because it is not successor to it. They ported Xbox 360 version of the game to Wii U so of course they won't be able to really utilize the hardware because most of the game code and engine optimizations were designed for 360 and not Wii U. If they designed a game engine just for Wii U then they would have really seen the capability of it. 4st article is just a EA engineer being FOS and spreading BS yet I remember reading that someone dig out on some site information about his career, to be more precise... About what games he worked on and from what I remember he never worked on any hardware from Nintendo in his entire career. That guy didn't even had a development kit and this was all debunked, the guy was mad or something and he works for EA and you know that EA left Wii U bandwagon because its crippled, overpriced late ports didn't sold well because they were crippled, overpriced late ports.
I look forward to your response that won't be logical nor rational... Your confirmation bias makes me laugh, thanks for the good laughs. |
A pity that your still arguing about specs when you clearly demonstrated no knowledge against your skirmish with Pemalite or the users at anandtech LOL.