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Multishanks said:
oniyide said:
Multishanks said:
oniyide said:
Multishanks said:
oniyide said:
Multishanks said:
oniyide said:
RolStoppable said:
oniyide said:

Vita isnt nearly as important as PS4, but you probably already know that.

Yup, I know that. It's nothing new to see it being swept under the rug in hopes that people forget about Sony's failures.

But my point stands. The reason for the calls that a console manufacturer should go third party isn't low hardware sales. It's that people are desperate to play Nintendo games on their PlayStations and Xboxes. If you were right, then we should see people begging for Sony to put games on the 3DS, because their handheld isn't selling.

its not being swept under the rug, its just not being brought up because people already knew how that was going down. SO their was no need fo dramatic emotion unlike the WIi U where people swore it was going to do great. Some people do want to play Ninty games on PS and xboxs no denial there but judging by the sales of Ninty games lately it cant be that much or people are just holding out in hopes that they will go 3rd party? kinda doubt it. Nobody has ever asked for Sony games to go to 3ds because nobody cares that much, not sure what your point about that is. But I guess you got to take your wins where you can get them no matter how small.



just some examples. 



I thinl the reason, no one talks about it is because it is actually dead as a platform. I mean no developers otber than indies want ro touch the thing and Sony has all but branded the thing as a peripheral. With all the issues WiiU and Nintendo are facing, everyone still has some interest to at least see where the system is headed. Fanboyism aside.


you pulled articles from way back before even the Vita was revealed. Once it got revealed and released people realized quickly that it wasnt going to set the world on fire. Took people awhile with the WII U and some people are still in denial. Nobody talks about it cause they long accepted the faith. Funny thing is Wii U didnt really do that much better than Vita, hell I think it actually did worst.

Correction, I pulled one article from before the vita was revealed, the other one is from ign after it was revealed hence the use of the name vita. in it's title. In regards to the vita, I don't know how you think it's doing better than the Wii U when it's been out a year longer has only a couple million more sales than ....Wii U. I'm guessing as Sony bunches their official vita numbers with their psp numbers from time to time. I think last i remember then project was a combined 16 million and then dropping that to a combined 7 million ;p. 

In all seriousness, the crazy thing is, (drumroll) that could change, I just don't see Sony, or the media even acknowleging it as something to change, which is not good.

hence why i said after RELEASE people realized. Pull me a couple of articles after Vita was released where people were saying it would set the world on fire. And i was comparing last year sales. Vita sold better than Wii U in 2013 for the most part.

Sony most likely makes a profit off of Vita by now. I think they broke even when it released, hence why you dont see them in real panic mode or anyone tripping. Remember Vita is a portable so its automatically not going ot have the importance of a home console hence will be met by less scrutiny. Plus its following the PSP which did ok. Wii U is a console, bigger spotlight. and its following the WIi. Fact is expectations for wii U has been much bigger than Vita. There not even close

I must've missed where you said release before.....

and i still don't see what the point is about them being home consoles or portable. They are both failures.


You are all over the place man. 

I get it Sony's uber successful and Nintendo is a fuck up. Make you happy? Cuz I really could give two ***** either way. All I know is that at least Wii U has a future as something more than a 3ds streaming service. As someone interested in the Vita, I can't exactly say the same for it in regards to the PS4.

Yes they are, but the expectations for Wii U was much higher for Vita, these are facts you cant ignore. It was seen pre release and post release. So they cant even be judged on the same wavelength. Why would we so so much Wii U articles and not as much Vita otherwise?

Doesnt make me happy i could care less. I just find it funny how some defenders of WIi U pull Vita into it as to make them look better, which is said in of itself. Fact is Wii U is supposed to be beating Vita and it isnt even doing that. hell by this time WIi U was supposed to have passed Vita at this point, some people around here were swearing. Why would Wii U be a streaming device for 3ds? you see how that doesnt make sense? you see how the two cant be compared.

My point isn't that it makes sense to make the Wii U stream 3ds fact my point was the opposite.....and yet Sony is still doing that to the vita. And what do you mean expectations weren't as high? IF anything people were spewing doom for the Wii U the moment rumored specs were mentioned as being a slight upgrade, back when it was still being called Wii HD. 

The two are being compared as failed products in adjacent sectors of the same industry. Are you high?

now you're making stuff up. Wii U was revealed and people went ape. It was going to have a full year headstart, ride on the Wii name. Get all the 3rd party games Wii missed. Said games werent going to suck and Ninty games finally in glorious HD. Rumoured specs? so what? most people defended it as just that rumors and showed of X like it was actual gameplay. It wasnt until after launch and sales took a nosedive, did people start spewing doom. Lets be real did anyone think Wii U would do this bad? NO they didnt, even the biggest Ninty haters predicted numbers were higher than they are now. You really going to tell me that people had higher expectations for Vita than a system following Wii?

Ones a portable and ones a home console, not the exact same market, not hard to understand. You're comparing a Sony portable to a Ninty home CONSOLE. the fact that you are even comparing the two shows the dire straits of WIi U.

Edit: let me put it this way, its like taking a crappy heavyweight boxer and putting him in the welterweight division...and he still hasnt done a knockout.