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toastboy44562 said:
Zekkyou said:
superhippy420 said:

To your average consumer they are the same, lets be real now.  Call of Duty looks the Same. FIFA looks the same. Battlefield looks the same.  PS4 has a little more juice but the graphics shown are the same and thats all that really matters.

Yep, completely identical :p

Seriously though it's too soon to make any judgments on the impact of the PS4's extra power. Multi-plat developers are still getting into the swing of things and Ryse/KZ:SF are pretty much the entire list of exclusive we can compare for graphical capabilities, and even then they are both worlds apart (fps/3rd person, art styles, etc). We don't have a big enough sample size yet.

Xbox One version looks brighter and better. PS4 version is darn and you can't see details. Go Xbox One!

If by better you mean brighter, flatter, more washed out, and poorer fine detail, then sure it's "better".

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Jimi Hendrix