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Wright said:

Blood_Tears said:

 If there's anything that Xbox games have shown over the years is that they have no legs. (aside from Halo)

Mmmm... I don't entirely agree with this. Games like Gears of War right, they sould millions first months then died. Crackdown as well, and had less stellar sales. But games like Fable, Forza (at least the third one) or Project Gotham Racing in Europe had all great legs.


The original Dead Rising also made it to two million units.


Destiny will take Titanfall's flagship, that I agree. And the fact that it is multiplatform will pose even greater threat to Titanfall.

Some good points there. I agree with Fable and Project Gotham but for me Forza's franchise sales are inflated heavily by holiday bundles. Same with Uncharted really, the ip's are big but not as big as Sony/MS would have you believe. Also, my thoughts on DR are that it is a medicore franchise at best and the only reason it got to 2 million was because of it's release date. It came out at a time when there was very little to play on X360. Once Gears came out a few months later that changed things. For me Lost Planet, Dead Rising and for Sony it would be Resistance and Motorstorm were all over rated franchises that sold mostly because it was early in the consoles life. The 2nd and 3rd iterations of those franchises proved that with their sales. (DR3 remains to be seen lifetime atm though)