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I moved on from Call Of Duty a while ago. No reason to go back to it. And Titan Fall is Call Of Duty... with a few new tricks (Titans and wall jumping). I am not in the PS4 only owning crowd. Could play Titan Fall on the other platforms I own, but won't be.

If I only owned a PS4, I'd rather see Sunset Overdrive than Titan Fall anyday

If you had issues with Call Of Duty, you will have the same issues with Titan Fall

If you ever said " I hate Call Of Duty because...
1. Over priced DLC
2. You can hip fire your way through the map
3. Sequels that are rehash of same game
Then you are going to find those issues with Titan Fall as well

These are just the guys who created COD, they are the guys who created the COD mess. Sequels that aren't new games, DLC that is way over priced.

All you need to do is replace IW with Respawn and Acti with EA (which maybe worse)