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xNonox said:
oniyide said:
Kaizar said:
drake4 said:
oniyide said:
Zelhawks37 said:
Troll thread. No other company is suggested of this question. Gee, I wonder why? That is why Nintendo is always in the fanboys heads.

no other company has a console that is selling this badly.

not just that, third party's developers are ignoring like it doesn't exist, becuase third party games sell like crap on wiiu. i don't think we will ever see third party support as bad as wiiu.

So you are going to pretend that the Wii was never made?

The Wii actually got games, shovelware sure, but Wii U isnt even getting that.

Shovelware is not better than no shovelware, and no shovelware is not better than shovelware. It's just more games tacked on to the console that don't mean a damn.

yes yes it is and i will explain why. 

Say a mother walks into a store and wants to buy a system for the child. She looks on the wall and sees it filled with Wii games, twice as much as PS3 or 360, their cheaper to booth. Now lets be real which system is she more likely to get? the Wii cause she doesnt know any better or doesnt care, she just needs something to keep her rugrat occupied. Perception is reality, if she sees that it has more games then it MUST be better. The quality is subjective and irrelevant.

The problem here is that you are looking at it from a gamer perspective and in that regard you are right, but its not the only perspective, hell it might not even be the most important one. Lets not forget that whether people want to believe it or not, these shovelware games were financally successful, they were cheap to make and alot of them sold alot more copies than they needed to make profit, plus whatever licensing fees Ninty got from them. Now WIi U isnt getting that, you cant make money off of something that doesnt exist.