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Yeah, sorry to agree, coz I really, really wanted to like Shadow Fall. It's my very first Sony Console. And I am a big Halo Fan, but don't wanna talk Microsoft here. The Game has a strange Atmosphere. Some Level were pretty much fun (forest was great) while others were annoyingly annoying which had let me put down the controller several Times. Not even mentioning the Story, which is hmm let me say different. I appreciate Guerrilla putting much hours of work in their product, and handing out additional free content. I somehow felt like playing a Crytek Game. Which means you play in beautiful designed Environment but never get connected to anything with story nor character and it has a under your skin annoying feeling which makes you hate this Game. It really scratches your nerves from time to time - I wanted it to finish at every cost, what I did, but I'm so done with KZ that I'll never touch KZ again, even if the next instalment gets a 10/10.