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I got in contact with one homebrew programmer and I asked him if he has proof that there are dual core ARM Cortex A8 in Wii U and he replied that he got entire OS from a breaker/hacker/cracker that cracked the OS and ripped it off from internal flash storage. He said that entire OS is written in pure ARM code.

I estimate Wii U's CPU performance of 15 GFLOPS which is bare minimum not accounting that is heavily modified to implement multi core support and increase its efficiency/performance while not breaking backward compatibility with Wii. Homebrew programmer that I contacted that it has nothing to do with Power 7, but it has to do with Power 6 from which it got features needed for multi core and other things.

GPU is according to die shot at least 256 Shaders/SPU's while it is likely that is 320 Shaders.

It is not 160 shaders because there would have been less SRAM caches in all 8 blocks where there are shaders, 160 shaders is just a myth and misinformation caused by extreme/radical Sony/Microsoft fans that intentionally spread FUD and misinformation. I have two computer engineers to back me up and AMD's documents involving their GPU design.

One user at IGN spotted that both Xbox One and Wii U have a second layer that you can barely see on a die shot from Chipworks and we can only see first layer because the second layer is below so we could look at stacked chips/silicon.