TomaTito said:
I liked the prototype they showed when the WiiU was announced, much more tablety, less controller. The original design was more innovative, at least to me. It's less wide and the back was flat, except for the triggers and thumb rest. But they went with the controller based one to appease third-party developers with the standard analog stick. That worked well... and even now the hardcore still diss the Gamepad even though it functions like the WiiU Pro controller, but with extra functions. |
I like the grip handles (whatever you call them) on the back of the new model. And the sticks being moved outwards was to make it easier to move from stick to buttons and back. Oh and hardcore will always diss Nintendo just for being Nintendo. They make kiddy games (aka games for the whole family) more than adult games (aka games for kids that make them feel like a big boy, pew pew BOOM!!!)