ktay95 said: First things first, this is a joke thread. I saw this picture and had to make a thread about it.
#1. The Gamepad is heavy and uncomfortable to game with.
#2. The triggers are digital, nuff said.
#3. It only does Mario and Luigi
#4. It wont play DVDs or Blurays
#5, It wont play Uncharted or Halo
#6. Its for kids and KIDS ONLY
#7. Its sales even depress Mario
#8. The discs are round on the edges
#9. Making this list has been annoying and its Wii U's fault
#10. I dont own one but secretly I want one I actually own one already =D |
Do a BONUS 11) Even tho nintendo "invented" the rumble for the N64. The Wiiu gamepad rumble sounds and feels worse than a chinese $1 phone's rumble.