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Am I reading this wrong? He didnt confirm or deny what the DLC actually is, but it seems like they'll be in game missions that you'll purchase while playing?

"In the game, you might be walking around and then someone will come up to you and say something like, 'Hey, I need your help', and you'll be like, 'What? This isn't a story mission', and he'll be like, 'You see that room up there? That's my wife and she's f***ing some bloke, and I need you to go and do...' and this little story will unfold from there just randomly," Houser told Egde.

That doesn't seem like whole parts of the city, but more extra missions that would be asked of you in the game. "Would you like to help this guy kill his wife and her bf? Gimme $5 bitch." Lol. Well thats how im seeing it. What do you guys think?

 Also, if these were just side missions im pretty sure it would keep the downloads relatively small. Maybe this is why Microsoft has called it DLC, but not specified exactly what it is. I dont think even they know yet.