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drake4 said:
PenguinZ said:
drake4 said:
PenguinZ said:

This idea makes no sense whatsoever. There is no compelling argument that exists in this thread or in general for what's being suggested.

If Nintendo should go third party, then Sony and Microsoft should have gone third party years ago.

ps4 and x1 are selling great, much better then wiiu, and have full third party support, while every third pary is dropping the wiiu. if sony or x1 was in the same position i would also recommend for them to go thirdparty, it's selling like a dead console and third party's ignore you, its time to consider something else.

Well then I guess you would've have been one of the ones to suggest that Sony go third party after their blunder with the PS3... 

no i wasn't .third party support was always strong on ps3, it was pretty obvious the price was hurting the ps3, it was an easy fix, but a painful one for sony, cause of the losses, what's the fix for wiiu to start taking off, price it's already cheap, third party games don't sell, so third party's have givin up, i can't think of anything that can save the wiiu.

Yup, the fact that the Wii U failed should push Nintendo to abandon all the money they could make in the future to go third party to make smaller revenue... Do you even understand how much potential money and revenue a company loses going from a console maker to third party... I don't think you do. This is something that a company would do as a last resort... When they can no longer sustain themselves. Nintendo has had a horrible time with the Wii U, and it has been a massive failure for them, but they have the cash in the bank to build their future. It is not enough for them to give up that potential revenue.

Can you imagine how much money Nintendo would have lost if they went third party after the GameCube? I am sure you're ringing the same tune as people did during the GameCube era. I don't see anything that would heavily swing the fate of the Wii U at the moment, but that doesn't instantly doom their future.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC