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irstupid said:
SubiyaCryolite said:
No, they should retain their hardware but this "overclocked last gen hardware with unique controller" nonsense has to end. At least have Half the power of the competition, have a well thought out conventional controller. For pete's sake get REAL third party support, like a of Grand Theft Auto or Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (a non sucky one please). Launch with Mario or Zelda out the gate. Do online right, make third partys have their own storefronts online if need be. Change your image, no blood needed. More Link and Samus less Mario and DK in the west at least. Unified achievements wont kill you Nintendo, damn. Start innovating. Stop playing NICE.

My favorite quotes are ones where people list things Sony and Microsoft have and say Nintendo needs to do them things and equate that with INNOVATING.

Innovating is doing somehting that other companies are not.  Adding trophies, getting 3rd parties that the other consoles have, some other online feature the others have, ect.  THAT IS NOT INNOVATING.  

Well acheviements were a REAL innovation. We have them on consoles, PCs and tablets now. Online features not traditionally associated with Consoles are innovation.  What XBox Live did for consoles, was innovation. XBox One trigger feedback == innovation. Its not like Microsoft or Sony always "had" these things. Family sharing which got trashed on X1 was an inovation. Valve is doing the EXACT same thing and everyones singing their praises. Miiverse was an innovation, one of the few things the WiiU got right, it wont fade away after one generation. Theres alot of innovation in the industry if you blinded by brand loyalty.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine