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Soundwave said:
superhippy420 said:
Train wreck said:
PS4 hardware, hard to find, cant sell games to consoles that do not exist so i guess the PS4 is alright in that regard, Killzone doing alright as well so one official 1st party game selling comparable to the Xbox Ones offerings, Knack just not accepted.

Xbox One awesome numbers really makes the doomer folks who think that the PS4/X1 will follow in the Wii U footsteps really take a seat. Their prospects can only get better with new titles and price cuts. On to next month.

How do you figure.  The Wii U had a great launch and moved over 2 million consoles, but released nothing for months on end and killed their momentum.  Ports of Rayman Legends and Tomb Raider are not going to move any consoles.  Driveclub?  GT6 sold horribly, I see no reason why a new IP racing game will boost the PS4. Infamous?  The second one didnt even crack 2 million.   Titanfall?  I do think Titanfall will give a boost,but the question will be how much of a boost. If the reviews are in the 9's then it could be big, anything lower and the effect will be alot lower.   Thats pretty much all the software coming out for the next 5 months on on PS4/Xbone.   Donkey Kong sold 6 million on the Wii and the 3DS port has even sold 1.2 million.  IMO Tropical Freeze will sell atleast 1.2 million WW in the 1st month, could be more if Nintendo markets it well.  Mario Kart is Mario Kart, we all know how big the franchise is.

You are going to be bitterly dissapointed by DKC ... and I say that as DKC is one of my top 5 favorite franchises period (above Zelda). 

Disapointed by the Game itself or is sales?   I can already tell the game itself will be fun.  The sales?   I could be way off, but people have always forgotten about Donkey Kong when they talk about Nintendo.  Its always "Mario,Zelda,Metroid,Smash Bros,Kirby,Starfox".    DKC3 on the SNES was the worst selling home console one and it still moved 3.5 million.   I remember for years people begging Nintendo to make another Donkey Kong Country, and when they finally did after a 14 year gap it sold great.   Theres no reason why Tropical Freeze cant be as big of a console seller as SM3DW considering the demand for Mario games is way down.