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RolStoppable said:
Soundwave said:

What's so uninviting about the Wii U? It works with every Wii accessorie and gives casuals a touchscreen/DS type controller as well. Everyone and their grandma already has Wiimotes sitting around the house so including it again is just redundant. 

The Wii U could come with any type of controller, there's no point in a person paying $200-$300 to play Just Dance when they can already play it on their existing Wii just fine. 

That's one of the problems with the casual audience is there's little/no incentive to upgrade hardware as the games they want to play, play just fine on the system they already own. 

It's no upgrade to the Wii. There is no better motion controller. It's Nintendo asking people to pay $300 for a new console, because some brats wanted to play Assassin's Creed on a Nintendo console.

Offer a better controller, launch with at least one game to demonstrate that controller. Show that you have more motion-controlled games in the pipeline. Make it the message that you need the new console, because that kind of precision and online features were not possible on the Wii. Naturally, Just Dance isn't going to sell that console, because it's going to be cross-gen. But that's what you have first party software for.

There is no lack of intent to buy new consoles among those consumers, there is a lack of incentive given by Nintendo. The Wii U is so incredibly boring by design that it might as well not exist.

It's funny because I personally feel that the Xbox One and PS4 are boring.  Same features as the old consoles, same games, better graphics.   The Wii was carried by great software. Wii Sports was a hit among casuals, and hardcores secretly loved it too.  It also launched with Twilight Princess which sold almost 7 million lifetime, followed by a steady stream of good software for about 4 years.  The motion controls had alot to do with it because it allowed things like Wii Sports to be made, but there were plenty of games that sold great that did'nt even need it.   Nintendo offers the Wii U Pro Controller already as well.  I am not sure what other kind of remote they could make to boost the console, if that is your idea.