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Well here are my personal takeways December's NPD.

- The Wii U is far from dead. 500,000+ sold is higher then I thought Nintendo could sell without Mario Kart and Smash Bros. Donkey Kong, Wii Fit U, Bayonetta, X, and Hyrule Warriors, combined will boost sales, not to mention that Nintendo will no doubt have some big surprise reveals along the way.

- PS4 and Xbone are both selling great in the U.S., especially for at $399 and $499.

- The Vita is done in the US. We all figured sales would be low, but not sub-100k low. Those are Sega Saturn numbers. I have been saying for a while that a GTA on Vita could save it in the U.S. but with sales that low, I see zero chance that Rockstar would use valuable resources of their own just to save Sony's handheld. High Risk, Low Reward....Its just not going to happen.

- Nintendo's focus on 3DS software in the last 2 years has payed off big time. IMO selling as many 3DS consoles as they have is more impressive then the massive PS4/Xbone sales. They have had to deal with the smartphone and tablet markets, as well as a direct competitor in the Vita and will end up selling 75 - 90 million consoles in its lifetime.

- Overall Software numbers for Sony have to be discouraging. Thats where the 3 console makers really make their money, and for Sony's biggest franchise (Gran Turismo) to completely be ignored in the U.S. is bad news. The combination of Killzone and Knack on the PS4, has to be disappointing as well.