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If you're a fan of platforming games and you don't own a Wii U... well, you're not really a fan of platforming games. New Super Mario Bros U and Luigi U are amazing, and Luigi U may be the best 2D "Mario" platformers since the "New" series started. Yarn Yoshi is being developed by the director of Yoshi's Island and combining that with the charming art style of Epic Yarn should make for a great game. There will in all likelyhood be another 3D Mario game in the future, and 3D World is already amazing.

But if you haven't owned a Nintendo console in years, then you missed out on alot. In particular, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are two of the best platformers ever and DKCR was IMO better than the original DKC games. Having access to the Wii library and the games your interested in for $360 (factoring in a Wiimote + Nunchuck) seems like a good deal.