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TheLegendaryWolf said:

I don't really see the hype over the PS4. It looks like a great console and I'll buy one eventually, but it just doesn't have games that will make me run out and rake out $400+ for. I know of people who bought one for a prettier COD and FIFA, and those games shouldn't be a reason for all this unnessesary hype. Yes I know great games are coming to PS4 this March, but many of those games will be on PS3, with the exeption of  inFAMOUS Second Son. Did you catch the PS4 hype this holiday season?

No you're not alone. I am not that interested in it myself.

I have never been into the Xbox brand, their exclusives and the console/controller itself have never appealed to me.

I own a PS2 and PS3, but there's just nothing coming for it that I've seen yet that really intices me. I've never cared for franchises like Uncharted, The Last of Us, God of War, Killzone, Infamous, etc., so nothing they've shown off yet really makes me want it. If there were to be a new Vanillaware game that for some reason came exclusively to PS4, I'd be interested. Just the same as The Last Guardian, which I REALLY wanted for PS3, but got delayed times infinity. Perhaps if they show off a new Jak & Daxter game that is ACTUALLY like the first one, and not the second two GTA knockoff sequels, I'd be interested. Same with if the Crash Bandicoot rumors are true, and it actually looked like a good game.

But overall, I'm likely not going to be getting a PS4 any time within the next couple of years, at the very least. Perhaps once it comes down in price significantly, and there are some games on it that I actually want built up, I might eventually get one. But I still don't like the manditory PS+ to play online bullshit.


For now, I'm good with Wii U, which has  a lot of retail and eShop games I'm looking forward to, as well as PC.