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ZOMG!1!1111 M$ has givin up and layin down n takin it lik tha 3shitty should..
Xbox 360, PS3, Blu-ray Bundle
Unconfirmed sources report that Microsoft will be including the PS3 Game console in a bundle to give the Xbox 360 Blu-ray capabilities. The Xbox 360 Blu-ray bundle, which is already on sale, includes one Xbox360, one Sony PS3, and a special cable to connect the two consoles.

"Some people might be surprised by this move," says Microsoft spokesman Keith Buckner. "But the truth is the Xbox needs Blu-ray and the PS3 is the best Blu-ray player out there. We recognize the value of the PS3 and so do our clients. We are excited to make this bundle available to our clients and provide for a seemless Xbox Blu-ray experience."

The Xbox that comes with the bundle contains a firmware update to facilitate the connection between the consoles, and will not only allow the Xbox access to the Blu-ray player, but will also allow access to the processors in the PS3. The connection will also allow PS3 gamers to access and the Xbox Live multiplayer system for exciting cross platform battles. The cable and firmware update will also be available to current Xbox customers who would like to make the upgrade.

"Gamers are going to love this." Says Gamer Kevin Morgan, of "This is huge! A total win all the way around. Gamers will get added functionality for their consoles, Microsoft gets Blu-ray and Sony gets to sell more PS3s. It's a deal made in gamer heaven."


Now on a serious note. This would have to be the dumbest rumor ive never heard.

Cant say it wouldnt be hellerious