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TheLegendaryWolf said:

I don't really see the hype over the PS4. It looks like a great console and I'll buy one eventually, but it just doesn't have games that will make me run out and rake out $400+ for. I know of people who bought one for a prettier COD and FIFA, and those games shouldn't be a reason for all this unnessesary hype. Yes I know great games are coming to PS4 this March, but many of those games will be on PS3, with the exeption of  inFAMOUS Second Son. Did you catch the PS4 hype this holiday season?

You don't like a game out of a small selection of games? You must be really special.

I didn't really need hype to preoprder one. There are enough games on it I want to play so the purchase was more like a logical step rather than fueled by hype. There really is no reason for me to wait even if the games I'm waiting for would not be released until next year.

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