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TheLegendaryWolf said:

I don't really see the hype over the PS4. It looks like a great console and I'll buy one eventually, but it just doesn't have games that will make me run around like an idiot, destroy 50% of the shop, trample other people and eventually stab people just to rake out $400+ for. I know of people who bought one for a prettier COD and FIFA, and those games shouldn't be a reason for all this unnessesary hype. Yes I know great games are coming to PS4 this March, but many of those games will be on PS3, with the exeption of  inFAMOUS Second Son. Did you catch the PS4 hype this holiday season?


I agree. PS4 has nothing to offer yet. The controller has shitty analogs that "break"  and alot of PS4s (and X1s) are faulty because they are prototypes.   There is no reason to buy a console year 1 and yet some idiots act like the world is going to end and shops sell the last bottles of water on earth. TBH if you want a console just buy one online and if you were to late wait until those impatient people have their consoles and you can safely buy one without people raping each other...

I mean there is so many good PS3 games out there I will probably still have some games to play in a year or two  so there is no need for a PS4.