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Kongfucius said:

True but Vita lacks big JRPGs in general, I think that because PSN is a more traditional take on the series it will attract fans of the genre at large to buy Vita, along with Oreshika 2 and others. Yes it is a bit like a hunting game but I'd argue it's sufficiently different for it not to be too badly affected by those older titles

My big hope is that with Squenix in particular is that they've seen FFX do well on Vita, and seeing an original game in a biggish JRPG franchise will encourage them to commission some original games on PSV. Same goes for other devs

I think Phantasy Star Nova definitely looks more Monster-Hunter inspired than ever before.  I mean, it's basically what Phantasy Star Portable 1 & 2 were on PSP.  I don't think you can really call it a JRPG at this point (other than the literal definition that it's a game with role-playing elements made in Japan).

It's a shame that Oreshika 2 is their only internally-developed JRPG for the system actually.  I think it looks excellent but it's niche as hell, even if the remake was a 100k seller.  It's never going to gain mass market appeal.  I'd love to see Sony make a game to go after some of Tales' market.

I'm still hoping for Type-0 HD.  Would sell enough to cover the development costs I'm sure as long as they stuck a bit of extra content on, and they'd finally get to release it in the west.  A new original game would be better, but I don't think Squeenix have many plans for original IP's on handhelds.  3DS really hasn't gotten much.