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Rogerioandrade said:
sidmeiernintifan said:
I think this happens because Nintendo has no way to know if you have 2 wii u's or if the wii u's belong to 2 different people and one of them wants to get the games for free.

I thought the same thing. I could put my ID on several different devices and download the game several times.

I only have one 3DS and one WiiU, but I gifted my brother and niece with 3DS´s and that would be (a lot) convenient to have all of them registered under the same ID.....I could buy a game digitally and distribute to them.

This, I think, is the main reason why Nintendo's doing this... I mean, sure they could allow you to use your NNID on whichever system you'd like, but then what's stopping anyone from allowing friends/family members/anyone else to use that NNID to download their games for free and install them on multiple systems...? I'm sure my friends would love it if I'd download SM3D World on my Wii U, then swing by their place, log into their Wii Us, and download the game for them as well, for free, lol.

And yes, the scenario above would definitely occur on a large scale of Nintendo were to allow it, let's not kid ourselves here. My mom has a Netflix account, and she's shared it, so now my sister, my brother and myself all use and watch Netflix for free, in separate houses, whenever we want, because it allows for registration on 4 different devices. Nintendo's a business, not a charity. They're not obligated to give you stuff for free, howver much random people on the internet whine and moan about it.

The whole digital purchases being liked to a single system instead of an account thing's a different matter, though. That definitely needs be be fixed, although apparently they're working on that.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046