Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
I have read some but not all of them cause university really takes a kick so I will probably finish the rest after its done, I mainly watched the anime and read a lot of the mangas. I also don't really read light novels/mangas online, instead I buy them so there isn't any misstranslation so there is that too... With that being said, thanks to the internet and people failing on spoilers, I think I have a pretty good idea of what happens near the end of the novels so far... Its nice to find a fellow haruhist on this site loll! Glad you like the series as well. I really do find the whole sitution behind Haruhi so interesting and apart from Haruhi, my second favorite character would probably be Yuki but yea. I don't think I have really ever seen anything better than this series yet although a few have come close |
Well hey, the light novels have all been released officially in English, and I think you can find them for pretty cheap on Amazon if you ever decide to grab them. The U.S. is actually caught up to the Japanese releases for the time being, so you should definitely give them a shot!
And yeah, the setup of the series is great, though my favorite character is definitely Kyon (followed by Yuki). I feel like he's the best lens the author could've created to reflect Haruhi's bizarre antics, and I love him for it. That said, I don't think there's actually a character within the main group that I dislike. It honestly is one of the best series released in the last ten years, a shame the anime had to pull that Endless Eight crap(for the record, the novels don't do it like that. At all!)...