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I don't want to throw oil on the fire, but I think a lot of people got burnt by their original wii that collected dust most of the time since they had it... Also, despite it being an upgrade from the original Wii and having some interesting new features, it's just not a significant upgrade for people who already had either a PS3 or xb360.

Also, the 3rd party support is weak, so it had a pretty long period without any significant release early after they started selling it, people started to think nothing interesting was happening on the console.

As of now, there are two significantly more powerful consoles available, add to that the better 3rd party support on both rivals AND the fact that the PS4 is only 100$ more (with enough storage included to be usable).

The only thing left are the Nintendo exclusives, pigmin, Mario and that super hero game... as well as the upcoming ones... they are as good a reason as any other games to get a console, but this is far from the variety people already have on their current consoles... and the xb1 + ps4 are expected to have more, in better quality very soon as well.

I don't see this as hate, this console just make no sense to me (I have all Nintendo consoles going back to the NES here at home)