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NolSinkler said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:

I don't think this would work at all, I mean if we were under one country we would be expected to have similar laws and that is where we are completely opposite.  I mean there is no death penelty in Canada, our heath care systems couldn't be more different and don't get me started on firearm laws.

Don't you think the peoples of these two great nations would be capable of solving these issues together?

No, but I'm sure the United States is quite capable of telling Canadians what to do. You might see it as a partnership, but with 10 American votes to every Canadian vote, it won't be.

Think about it, what problems does the US have that would be solved by adding more states? What problems does Canada have that would be solved by surrendering all national policy to a foreign population?

Access to markets? There are barely any trade barriers between US and Canada anymore. We actually have better access to international markets by not subjecting ourselves to boneheaded US policies like the emargoes on Cuba.

Strong currency? The CAD is stronger now than it has been for decades, and the greenback is weaker than ever.

National security? Our alliances and geography take care of that, and conventional military might gets more irrelevant every year.

Quality of life? The studies I've seen put Canada ahead of the US, largely thanks to more pragmatic social and regulatory policies that would fly out the window if we were annexed.

The United States is an empire on the brink of collapse that can barely manage its own affairs. Why would I ask the overworked guy in a mid-life crisis if he wants to handle my workload, too?

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.